
Home 5 Testimonials

Over the years, Dr. Goldstein’s unwavering support and personable approach has been instrumental in successfully managing my ADHD symptoms, as well as navigating personal challenges and career-related stress. He is professional, ethical and dedicated to his patient’s overall well being.

C.E., San Jose, CA

Dr. Goldstein’s compassionate and expert professional care has given me more than 10 years of well-managed mental and emotional health, despite my complex moods, various life stressors, and natural inclinations toward actions that can worsen my state of mental health.

Dr. Goldstein has been not only a medical doctor to me, providing a carefully considered pharmacological treatment plan, but he has also been a wise advisor. His care has kept me on a path of stable mental health that enabled me to have a successful and fulfilling life at work, in my marriage, in my other relationships, and in my overall life.

His treatment style blends prescribing and managing medicine along with proposing  and discussing other activities and behaviors for fostering mental health that further support the benefits of the medicine. He also knows when it is appropriate to pull other professionals into my care: on more than one occasion, he referred me to other highly-effective care provided when he judged that their expertise was necessary or particularly beneficial for me at that time.

His judgment was spot-on, and I benefited immensely from the additional care these other professionals provided to me during these more challenging episodes of my health care management journey.

In short, I deeply appreciate Dr. Goldstein’s combination of skilled pharmacological treatment, his compassionate sharing of his broader wisdom for promoting good mental and emotional health, and his awareness of when to refer me to others to further assist me. I have been truly blessed to be under his care.

B.G., Los Altos, CA

I have been a patient of Dr. D Goldstein for over 20 years. 

My genetics background is one of anxiety and panic disorder on both my maternal and paternal sides of family.  

I have always lived in some kind of anxious state, even as a child. As I grew older my anxieties started to disrupt my life first my sleep patterns, parenting,  driving especially the freeway which could lead to having a full blown panic attacks. Anything’s I couldn’t control caused my anxiety to get to panic levels. 

I made appointments with my primary care doctor who would clump my anxiousness with depression and put me on medications for depression, (to this day never remember feeling depressed). 

The prescription they prescribed were always serotonin uptake medications. For me this was NOT the right medicine, it caused my generalized anxiety to become full blown panic disorder with multiple ED visits. I  can’t tell the number of medications they had me try only to be told “you need to give it more time”, your not allowing yourself to get used to the medication, I felt like such a failure.

My life became full of restrictions: no flying, I couldn’t sit in movie theater except on the isle, taking two cars to parties so I could leave early if needed. Feeling full of dread when my teenagers left the house to do normal teenage activities. 

My final straw was I was going to leave/quit my job, which not only endangered my family’s financial security but my self worth as a professional. 

I found Dr. Goldstein and he listened to my complex family history.  He went over the medications I had been prescribed in the past. He worked with me to stay on the medications that worked the best,  while we worked out long term medication goals. So instead of leaving my job….. I stayed and worked 20 more years. We got the children through college and trade schools, my marriage is happy.  I’m not limiting my time at social events and we are traveling!! 

Being with the right physician who advocates for your specific medication needs is invaluable.  

Metal health is not about everyone fits in the same square peg, it’s about giving your patients time to heal and restoring their mental health equilibrium and Dr Goldstein helped me do just that.

P.C., Morgan Hill, CA

I often look back and count myself incredibly lucky to have found Dr. Goldstein.

I first met Dr. Goldstein over 6 years ago. The prospect of finding the right psychiatrist as an adult can feel fraught at times. I often look back and count myself incredibly lucky to have found Dr. Goldstein. He brings an incredible level of care, compassion, and attention to detail to his practice. Most importantly, he is attune to my mental, psychical, and social wellbeing – not just my medication.

S.M., San Jose, CA

I don’t want to imagine what life would be now if I had never met Dr. Goldstein.

I started seeing Dr Goldstein for depression and anxiety. I had my first major depressive event at 17. My mom was afraid because I couldn’t stop crying. She called my girlfriend to come over, because that is what you did then.

Since that time I have spent years in therapy. On and off with different MAs, Phds, MDs, ODs  and Psychiatrists with little to no relief. It was starting to affect my ability to work and that’s when I met the right therapist who recommended Dr. Goldstein. I was impressed by his background in women’s health. He understood the complications of hormones, body chemistry, brain function  and overall health.

It took a few months of trying medication, and his humor and encouragement, to get the right combination of drugs at the right dose at the right times but IT WORKED!! 

I was able to finish out my career as a Director at a major medical device company with honor, dignity, and joy.

I don’t want to imagine what life would be now if I had never met Dr. Goldstein. I am still on medication and so we meet every few months and he checks in about my blood work, mammogram results, and regular medical checkups. He is always interested in the quality of my life and of course my world travels now that I am retired!

Thank you Dr. Goldstein, from the bottom of my heart

J.B., Newport Beach, CA

Updated Oct. 7, 2024